Kubernetes vs Dockerswarm

docker swarm vs kubernetes

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is software for container orchestration, that is  used to manage a large number of containers on physical infrastructure. Kubernetes was designed by Google .

Key Kubernetes features include service discovery and load balancing, storage orchestration, rollback and self healing for container clusters, permissions, and configuration management.

What is Docker Swarm?

Docker Swarm allows you to manage Docker engine clusters locally within the Docker platform. You can use the Docker cli to create a cluster, deploy application services to the cluster, and manage the cluster behaviour.

Docker Swarm helps coordinate containers and assign tasks to container groups. Docker Swarm also performs health checks, manages the lifecycle of a single container, provides redundancy and failure in the event of a node failure, performs rolling software updates, and scales containers up and down according to actual load.

Kubernetes vs. Docker Swarm: Key Differences

Docker Swarm and Kubernetes are the two most widely used open source platforms for container orchestration, and appear to provide almost identical functionality. However, after careful consideration, there are some basic differences. We’ve broken the differences down by features, below.

Setup/Installation & Cluster Strength

Docker Swarm is known to have the more quick and simple setup and installation process. Swarm is also easier to pick up, even with less technical knowledge. Kubernetes on the other hand is much more complex to install . However, because of this, Kubernetes is also able to handle far larger or more complicated deployments. Once you’re past the initial install and get the hang of how it works, Kubernetes offers stronger clusters that are faster and more secure in large production environments.

Supernova: It depends on your system needs! Smaller, simpler infrastructures can thrive with Docker Swarm. But if you’re looking for flexible growth and the ability to handle extremely complex systems, Kubernetes is the way to go.

GUI (Graphical User Interface)

Kubernetes comes with its own GUI built right in. The Kubernetes Dashboard allows you to easily scale and deploy individual applications, as well as control and monitor your different clusters. Docker Swarm does not have a built-in GUI. However, there are several third party tools available to supplement this as needed.

Supernova: Kubernetes


Both Kubernetes and Docker Swarm allow you to more easily scale up or down your infrastructure  depending on your needs. While Kubernetes does add automated scaling which can adjust based on traffic, Docker Swarm requires all scaling to be done manually. However! Container scaling and deployment is slowed down by Kubernetes’ more complex framework.

Supernova: Again, this depends on what matters more to you when it comes to scalability. If you’re looking for automation, then Kubernetes might be your best bet. But if speed when scaling up or down is more important to your team, then you may prefer Docker Swarm.

Load Balancing (LB)

Docker Swarm blaze when it comes to load balancing (LB)  because of how it is easily automated within Docker containers. Kubernetes requires manual configuration of LB within the different nodes.

Supernova: Docker Swarm

Logging & Monitoring

With the Kubernetes dashboard, logging and monitoring is built-in available. There are also many third party monitoring tools that can be added to track additional key metrics. While Docker Swarm does come with some basic server log and event tools from Docker, third party apps are a must to really get the most out of your monitoring.

Supernova: Kubernetes

Future Outlook

Docker was acquired in November 2019 by Mirantis, which has caused some concern among Docker Swarm users. Mirantis has stated they will continue support for Docker Swarm without any implied end date, though many are left feeling unsure about the future of Docker Swarm. Because of this, many Swarm users are beginning to start planning a migration to Kubernetes, which is in Google hands.

Supernova: Kubernetes


Kubernetes: The networking model is a flat network, allowing all pods to interact with one another. The network policies specify how the pods interact with each other. The flat network is implemented typically as an overlay. The model needs two CIDRs: one for the services and the other from which pods acquire an IP address.

Docker Swarm: The Node joining a swarm cluster generates an overlay network for services that span every host in the docker swarm and a host-only docker bridge network for containers. The users have a choice to encrypt container data traffic while creating of an overlay network by on their own in docker swarm.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Kubernetes


  • Trusted, open-source platform backed by Google with a large community of users
  • Works smoothly on all operating systems
  • Able to manage large and complex infrastructures
  • Highly scalable with flexible room for growth
  • Automated, self-healing features
  • Large community of users


  • Installation is complex and set up has a steeper learning curve
  • Requires separate Compose and Command Line Interface (CLI) tools

Advantages and Disadvantages of Docker Swarm


  • Open-source platform that works perfectly with all existing Docker products
  • Installation is quick and simple
  • Great for smaller and less complex systems


  • Can be limited in functionality as it’s tied to Docker’s API
  • Future of Docker Swarm is unsure following the Mirantis acquisition


Kubernetes supports higher demands with more complex Environment while Docker Swarm offers a simple solution that is easy and quick to get started with. Docker Swarm has been quite popular among developers who prefer fast deployments and simplicity. Simultaneously, Kubernetes is utilized in production environments by various high profile internet firms running popular services.