AWS vs Azure vs GCP vs HUAWEI Cloud

aws vs azure vs gcp vs huawei cloud

1.  AWS Services

a. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

b. Elastic Beanstalk

c. Lambda 

d. Elastic Container Service

e. Auto Scaling

f. Simple Storage Service

g. Elastic Block Storage

h. Cloud Front

i. RDS

j. DynamoDB

k. VPC

l. Direct Connect

m. Route 53

n. Cloud Trail

o. Cloud Watch

p. Identity Access and Management (IAM)

q. Cloud HSM

r. Kinesis

s. OpsWorks

t. Cloud Formation

u. Simple Notification Service

v. Elastic Load Balancing

2.  Azure Services

a. Virtual Machine

b. Cloud Services

c. Functions

d. Container Service

e. Autoscale

f. BLOB Storage

g. Manage Storage

h. CDN

i. SQL Database

j. DocumentDB

k. Virtual Networks

l. Express Route

m. Traffic Manager

n. Operational Insights

o. Application Insights

p. Azure Active Directory

q. Azure Trust Center

r. Stream Analytics

s. Automation

t. Resource Manager

u. Notification Hub

v. Load Balancing

3.  GCP

a. Compute Engine

b.Google App Engine

c. Cloud Functions

d. Container Edge

e. Autoscaler

f. Cloud Storage

g. Persistent Disk

h. Cloud CDN

i. Cloud SQL

j. Cloud Datastore

k. Cloud Virtual Network

l. Cloud Interconnect

m. Cloud DNS

n. Cloud Logging

o. Stack driver Monitoring

p. Cloud Identity Access and Management (IAM)

q. Google Cloud Platform Security

r. Cloud Dataflow

s. Compute Engine Management

t. Cloud Deployment Management


v. Cloud Load Balancing


a. Elastic Compute Server

b. Service Stage

c. Function Graph

d. Cloud Container Engine

e. Auto Scaling

f. Object Storage Service

g. Elastic Volume Service

h. Cloud Delivery Network

i. RDS

j. Document Database Service

k. Virtual Private Cloud

l. Direct Connect

m. Cloud DNS

n. Cloud Trace

o. Cloud Eye

p. Identity Access and Management 

q. Data Encryption Workshop

r. Data Ingestion Service

s. Cloud Service Engine

t. Application Orchestration Service

u. Simple Message Notification

v. Elastic Load Balancing

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